Facts About NarConon

Everything you wanted to know about Scientology Inc.'s dangerous and worthless front group but were too afraid of being sued to ask. If you believe anything here is incorrect, point it out and I will remove or correct it desertphile@hotmail.com

Friday, March 10, 2006

Expert on fraud warned: "Do not trust NarConon!"

'Great is the Truth and it will Prevail'
Don't trust quick fix solution

2 February, 2006

SHETLAND drug and alcohol workers have warned islanders to think twice before signing up to rehabilitation programmes offered by Narconon Scotland.

They said support and rehab programmes were available locally and it should not cost =A36,000 to kick the habit, as the organisation suggests.

Narconon has an international network of drug rehab centres, sponsored by the Church of Scientology. There are two in the UK, one in West Linton, Peebleshire, and the other in East Grinstead, West Sussex.

Mike Gallant, of the Community Drugs Team (CDT), said: "It is essential that people take local expert advice before believing everything they hear and read. People having problems controlling their alcohol or drug use often have very different needs, and there's no such thing as a 'quick fix'. This particular programme may be good for some people, though there are many other ways of getting help to help yourself."

Jenna Leask, from the Alcohol and Drug Development Office at NHS Shetland, added that help could be available to pay for detoxification and rehabilitation. She said: "If you contact the Aftercare and Resettlement team on Lerwick 696698 they can assess you with a view to getting funding. They have all the information to help you decide what's right for you, including residential treatment outwith the islands if necessary.

"Shetland Alcohol Support Services (SASS), the CDT and your local NHS health centre can also offer other help, including access to a specialist detox nurse, alternative therapies, practical assistance and counselling."

Mr Gallant added that his main concern was that Narconon might not be quite what they appear to be.

"They're heavily supported by the Church of Scientology, and the BBC TV programme 'Watchdog' did an investigation of them. The results of that are available on the BBC website.

"Of course people may be desperate for help, but I'd urge people to think again if they're believing there's a magic pill out there to fix everything - if anyone knows that's not the case, it's someone with a drug or alcohol problem!"


Illegal activity at NarConon

From: Orozco, Linda
Sent: Mon 2/13/2006 9:56 AM
Subject: For Public Meeting


Feb. 13, 2006
Leona Valley Town Council Meeting:

My name is Dr. Linda Orozco and I have lived with Narconon as a 'neighbor' for over 7 years. I strongly encourage you to reject Narconon, and work intensely to block them from coming into your neighborhood. Thank you for allowing me to share my experience and that of dozens of neighbors of the multi-million dollar Narconon business in Newport Beach.

Narconon rents an oceanfront residential triplex at 1810 W. Oceanfront, on the Newport Beach peninsula. The property has NO street access, only a narrow alleyway--which we all share to access our garages/carports and homes. One must drive past at least twelve other properties on both sides of the alleyway to access Narconon. Please note, our windows and homes are located only a few feet from this alleyway. We, as neighbors, were always aware of the high traffic, noise, littering, profanity, lack of parking, and high occupancy use of this property. Over the years, city officials pushed our complaints away by saying, "Narconon is licensed by the state of California and there is nothing you can do." We now know better. But we continue to suffer because this multi million dollar business continues to 'cultivate' favor with our local government leaders, and threatened lawsuits when anyone tries to correct, limit, or stop their expansion in this property. [I have personally received 2-3 letters threatening legal action against me by Narconon because of my 'legal' efforts to expose their lies, illegal operations, and document their intrusion/disruption of our neighborhood.]

Over the years, here is what we have observed, videotaped, photographed and suffered through. Remember, this is a $4 million dollar a year business on a residential property ($25,000 per addict for a 2-5 month stay):


Repeated violations of maximum occupancy limits observed by neighbors, videotaped, and documented in written violations by the state licensing agency, Calif. Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs (ADP).

Narconon houses addicts/clients on the property with 27 beds, and 29 full time staff (documented by ADP). The property only has 3 parking spaces! In addition, they bring in dozens more PER DAY with at least 3 vans they operate specifically for this purpose. Vans arrive in the morning, and take the additional clients back to other residences (in Costa Mesa and other cities) in the evening. Because we have videotaped these illegal 'overage clients', Narconon now drops them 1-2 blocks away from their property, and they all walk in from various directions to the Narconon house. (We have even videotaped this practice) It is all a farce and a sham attempt to get more and more clients served by this oceanfront residential property with 27 beds.


All vehicles by staff/clients place an enormous burden on traffic and public parking around this oceanfront residential property (with only alley access!). Yet they claimed in a City Council meeting that the 29 staff don't drive, but instead 'bicycle' to the property. Really? NO! We see and experience the lack of public parking and alley traffic (and the blocking of the alley) in our neighborhood to sustain the vehicles by Narconon.

Commercial trash service, with commercial trash containers, and 'special' trash trucks picked up on an almost daily basis. This has now been reduced to 3-4 times a week, plus our own city service to our homes. The result is we have trash trucks in our neighborhood, in our narrow alleyway ALMOST EVERY DAY.

Daily deliveries by FedEx trucks.

Multiple deliveries a week from Office Depot

Regular (multiple times a week) maintenance vehicles for plumbing, rug cleaning, electrical, repair, handywork, cable, etc. Don't fall for their claim (nor their attempt) to show you receipts proving limited services of this type- they did this with our city council. We see it every day, and have tired from taking the pictures.

The drug/alcohol rehabilitation nature of the business also requires regular doctors' visits, drug testing vans, paramedic vans, etc..

To feed the overwhelming large number of residents and staff, there are delivery vehicles twice a week from SYSCO foods, and 2 twice for fresh produce. For years, SYSCO delivered in large (and I mean LARGE) refrigeration semi- trucks. Deliveries would take almost 30 minutes while the truck motor idled in a very small shared public alleyway. The alleyway would be completely blocked during these times. For over a year we complained to Narconon and the city, both did nothing. Finally we contacted SYSCO, and the President of the company kindly responded to our complaints and now deliveries by SYSCO commercial food service, is done with multiple vans. A much needed improvement, but still impacts traffic and blocks the alley.

Multiple times a month, paramedics, fire &/or police are called to the property. Overdoses by addicts, fights, and other problems requiring fire/police have become a routine for our neighborhood.

Sundays are visitors day! Expect a doubling of people on the property as relatives and friends of the 'clients' come on Sunday. Also remember that according to David Feinberg, an administrator from Calif. Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Program, 80-90% of clients in these facilities have criminal convictions. Imagine the 'friends and family' that will now be welcomed into YOUR neighborhood?

The vehicular traffic and necessary public parking needed to maintain the operation of this business is staggering, and has negatively impacted our neighborhood.


In October 2003, the neighborhood became enraged to find Narconon opening a SECOND separate property at 1811 W. Balboa Blvd. This location was just across a 20ft wide alley from their first house. We began to aggressively find out more about this 'business' and try to protect the 'residential quality of our neighborhood'. In March of 2004, Narconon announced in a City Council meeting that they were closing the 2nd residential rehab in response to the neighbors. Narconon lied. The Calif. Dept. of Alcohol and Drug Programs closed them down. We didn't find this out for months until we forced ADP to give us copies of public access documents. [See ADP letter dated 12/4/03]


As noted, above, the traffic noise is terrible.

We regularly hear yelling, fighting, profanity, spitting, vomiting, coughing. etc.. With the large number of people on this one residential property 29 full time staff, and 27 beds, (plus more clients delivered daily by van), just imagine how disrupting these sounds are to children, the elderly, and ourselves.

We have suffered thru the noise and disruption of commercial vacuum cleaners and commercial washers/dryers. Again, imagine the volume of clothing generated by this many people. These appliances seemed to be operating around the clock. These could easily be heard by neighbors almost 4 homes away from Narconon.

Foot traffic. These clients and staff walk thru the neighborhood on a regular basis coming to and from the property. Trespassing thru our property by Narconon 'clients' has been a problem. Their talking, yelling, coughing, smoking- pass by our windows/homes constantly. We estimate that there are almost as many persons on this single residential tract as there are on the entire block of other residences COMBINED.

Recruitment & Tours: Narconon recruits new clients by giving tours and orientations to prospective clients on the property. They have even hosted large numbers of international visitors as they continue to expand their international business.

Cigarette butts and Littering. We are amazed at the constant smoking of clients and staff at Narconon. And we continue with efforts to stop them from littering their cigarette butts on our properties or smoking outside our windows in the alleyway. This may sound like a mild issue, but neighbors report problems cigarette butts everywhere in great volume. I have picked up over 50 butts from my property alone in just a matter of one week.


The city issues a business license to Narconon. On the city's website for their business license, ZERO employees are listed for Narconon. Why? Narconon is state-licensed with 29 full time staff. Why does Narconon continue to mis-represent the truth about this business?

City Business License Website: http://www.city.newport-beach.ca.us/revenue/revenue.htm http://owaportal.fullerton.edu/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.city.newport-beach.ca.us/revenue/revenue.htm

Based on our experience, we encourage Leona Valley to consider intervening to stop Narconon from entering additional residential neighborhoods based on the violations, intrusions, disruptions, and suffering we, the neighbors of this business in Newport Beach, have experienced.

In sharing my experience and FACTS with you-Narconon may try to silence me again with legal threats. These threats are illegal and violate 'anti-SLAPP' legislation in California, which protect individuals speaking/writing on public issues in a public meeting. Is THIS the kind of business you want in your neighborhood? One that has a proven record of threatening neighbors with legal action when they tell the TRUTH in public meetings, and try to protect their families, neighborhoods and others?

Dr. Orozco

Behind the scene at Scientology's NarConon scam

Subject: Hello, My name is Patty Pieniadz
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 2006 13:22:23 -0500
Message-ID: <46m73cFbkt0nU1@individual.net>

My name is Patty Pieniadz, I am an Ex-Scientologist and I've been an on and off lurker on a.r.s. for a couple of years.

After reading what OSA has been doing to Chuck Beatty and witnessing his strength and courage, I have decided to delurk and tell my stories.

This post is my "short story". I have written up more of my stories in Scn and will post them soon.

I became involved with Scn in 1973 at the Narconon program in New London, Connecticut. I was 18 years old at the time. I had been accepted to the University of Connecticut but I dropped out and joined the VISTA volunteers, which was a sort of a Peace Corps program for the impoverished areas of the US.

I became a heavy drug user and came to a point in my life where I realized I had to handle my drug problem. That decision led me to Narconon and then directly to Scientology.

At that time (1973) NN didn't hide the Scn connection. It was quite open and the Narconon Course packs were the actual HCOB's and PL's and not the glossy Narconon packs that you see today. The Narconon Objectives Course was called the HQS Course or the Hubbard Qualified Scientologist Course when I joined up in 1973.

After a few years I became the ED of Narconon Connecticut (NN CT) and then was recruited into the Boston Guardians Office (GO) in 1979. I held the post of Dir of Rehab, Social Coordination Boston, and ran the Narconons, Applied Scholastics and Schools (Apple and then Delphi) in the New England area.

I left the GO in 1981 to have a family. I did not want to raise children while on Church staff and year or so after I left the GO it was disbanded for being a "suppressive group".

I stayed off lines for several years but then eventually found my way back and was recruited as an "OSA volunteer". At first I did overt data collection for OSA Boston and then after a while I was involved in more "covert" activities such as infiltrating a "squirrel group", stealing trash and other OSA "ops". I did this kind of volunteer OSA work for approximately 14 years on and off and will be writing more detailed accounts of my activities as an OSA volunteer.

It's nothing I am proud of, it's just information that I think should be made known.

I don't remember what it was that got me interested in reading critical sites but one day I just jumped in and started reading. After a while I came to realize that current C of S was not the same C of S that I joined in 1973. I decided that I would no longer support the C of S and slowly drifted away.

In Sept, 2003, Maureen O'Keefe, a woman that I recruited into Scn and one of my closest friends showed up at my home unannounced and uninvited. Maureen was the Invest Dir for OSA Boston and she brought along a woman named Kathy True, from OSA Int. They arrived on a Saturday night around 9:00.

When they arrived I had already fallen asleep on the couch while watching TV and so their knocking at my front door startled me. I invited them in, after all Maureen was a good friend and her mother lives only a few towns away from me so it sort of made sense that she might drop in to see me, but it was strange that she hadn't called first.

It didn't take long for me to find out that it was not a friendly uninvited drop by. They were there on official business and accused me of sending out OT III data from my yahoo account to a Scn mailing list.

I told them no way, this was not possible, and that I would never do such a thing. I was told that if they could just have access to my computer they could clear this entire matter up. I realized they expected me to just let them have access with no questions because if you are a good Scientologist, and you were innocent of any "crimes" you would not hesitate to do what OSA wanted you to do.

My computer was located in my bedroom and at that moment my husband was asleep in bed and there was no way I was going to have them go in there and start looking around and disturbing my husband. I don't know about you, but I don't like people in my bedroom. And I knew my husband wouldn't appreciate it.

Kathy True told me that they had a computer expert look at the email and he concluded that the OT III information definitely was sent from my account. Of course they brought no proof of this.

I told them someone must of hacked into my account and done this and that I would close the account and inform hotmail of what was going on.

I refused them access to my computer not only because it would have disturbed my husband, but also because this whole caper stunk and I knew they were lying but I couldn't figure out why. I had worked for OSA long enough to know that they were running some kind of crazy con on me and I was a bit upset that they were not forthcoming with the real reason why they were there. Maureen O'Keefe knew me and knew I would never mail out OT III data but she sat there and lied to my face. It scared the hell out of me that a woman that I loved and trusted for so many years would do this to a friend.

Maureen O'Keefe, the woman I recruited into Scn, the godmother to my son, the woman that was a bridesmaid in my wedding, this same woman who called herself my friend was in my home and lying to me and running some kind of OSA op on me. Why?

Finally I told them I was tired and they got me to agree that they could discuss this further with me on the next day.

Maureen and Kathy showed up the next day but ran into the problem of it being Sunday and the only thing that happens on a Sunday afternoon in the fall/winter in the Pieniadz house is eating, drinking and watching football and/or watching UConn basketball. I forgot that I had invited friends over to watch with us and so Maureen and Kathy walked in on a little football party and seemed none to pleased.

Maureen and Kathy wanted to talk to me privately but I explained to them that I told my friends about the problem of my hotmail account being hacked into and that confidential data sent out from it and so they could freely discuss the matter with my friends (Wogs) in the room.

Maureen proceeded tell me that the problem was all solved! All I had to do was give them my computer and then they would put in a PO (purchase order) for me to have a brand new computer. These two girls must have thought I just fell off the turnip truck. I am going to give them my brand new computer and THEN they will get a PO approved? Right, sure! The chances of them getting a PO approved for a brand new computer for someone they suspect is sending out OT III materials is about triple zero. None, nada, no way, forget about it.

I told them NO WAY it wasn't going to happen and they both were a bit miffed at my refusal to their brilliant idea. I invited them to stay, have lunch and watch the football game but they declined.

I noticed a few months later that I stopped getting Scn magazines and Scn junk mail, and thought it was weird but figured they were mad a me and this was how they were letting me know.

Nine months later I got my official SP declare in the mail and just for good measure they declared my husband as well. I'll get it posted as soon as I figure out how.

I have to say I was rather ambivalent when I got that declare. I was sort of curious as to what it was all about but I had no interest in querying it or getting copies of these KR's that were never sent to me and that might explain what exactly my "crimes" were.

It proved my point that my friend Maureen was lying to me because the declare said nothing about sending out OT III data but instead accused me of passing on information to critics.

I was actually relieved when I received that declare because I would never have to answer up or explain why I wasn't following one of the many Scn's rules of life. I was free to pursue whatever interests I wanted to and was no longer restricted in looking and learning in life. I was free of them and was happy that I would not have to deal with them ever again.

Then a few days before Christmas 2004, Maureen O'Keefe showed up at my work. Yes, I work in donut shop!

I am an OT III that works in a donut shop. I spent all of my adult life in Scn and after 30 years of being with them the only skill I had was being a Scio and working in a Scio company. The only thing available to me was minimum wage because I had no real prior experience in anything else.

So I took the job of working in the donut shop with my mom and we have lots of fun. That photo of on the Scn website (Religious Freedom Watch) was taken on what is known as "wacky Wednesday". That was a day that we had a great time and everyone at work dressed up kind of wacky. So of course, in true Scn style, one of Scn's PI's or "volunteers" came to my work that day and took the picture. Scn has a very perverted sense of "fun". Only they would use something theta like a bunch of women having fun and dressing up funny, and using it to belittle that person.

But just recently the local paper did a feature article on me and mom. I'll also post that article as soon as I figure how to do that.

I think OSA thought that it might embarrass me to work in a place like that but it doesn't. I love that job and have a great deal of fun there. I know hundreds of people from working there. I can't go anywhere in town without seeing 4 or 5 people I know and we say hi or stop and chat. It was never like that when I was in Scn. I work with wogs now and we all get along and we even do things together outside of work. I don't have to worry about stats or conditions or fake status levels.

Maureen O'Keefe showing up at work right before Christmas kind of surprised me. I was curious as to why she was there and realized she must have gotten some sort of special OK to speak with me now that I was a declared SP.

Maureen took me out to lunch (Dutch treat, of course) and we chit chatted about friends and family and then Maureen asked me why I thought she was there. I told her I thought that she must be here because she cared about me and want to talk me into doing my A to E.

She was seemed a bit surprised by my answer and said, "well actually, no, that would be nice, but I am here to tell you that we know you are posting to the internet as Cerridwen and that we can't have you do that". She did not wait for a reply but instead just started what appeared to be a scripted talk about how she knows that I might have disagreements but she knows that I loved Scn as much as she does and she can't understand why I am doing this and if I continued posting to ars that she would be forced to apply the PL on handling critics.

We talked for about 2 and a half hours and when I asked what proof she had to say that I was posting, she said that it was done through a process of elimination, whatever that means.

I didn't bring in up at the time but it occurred to me that Cerridwen posts reports on the C of S events and I haven't been to an event in years and OSA knows that because they keep lists of who attends.

Maureen was trying to "pull strings" to find out when and why I became disaffected. She said something about having spent a lot of time with my folders and putting together a time track of me but she still just couldn't figure it out.

Well of course she couldn't figure it out. Maureen O'Keefe is a very indoctrinated Scientologists and couldn't figure her way out of a paper bag without Hubbard telling her how.

It finally came down to Maureen saying. "If you don't stop posting, we will apply the policy on handling critics". I told her if she did apply those policies against me I would forgive her.

A few days after our lunch together, Maureen called my house and left a message for my husband Bobby. Bobby has no interest in talking with Maureen or any one from the Church as he had already left the Church years before me.

We had a family conference with my son Derek and decided that we would just write a letter of disconnection to Maureen and the C of S and tell her to just leave us alone. The day after I sent the letter of disconnection, they put up a webpage about me on Religious Freedom Watch.

I currently suffer from several autoimmune diseases that I am working hard on getting under control and getting myself healthier. I finally started doing something about these diseases once I left the church and rid myself of my agreement with Scn's viewpoint on the medical profession and that all illness stems only from ptsness and spiritual problems. I finally got rid of the false information that I truly believed in . That false information assisted in me neglecting my health for a very long time thinking Scn tech (the OT levels) would handle it.

And as far as all my "finance crimes" -- I swear I was just following LRH finance policy!;)

I figure any critic with one of those disgusting pages already knows that they are filled with half truths and lies. I'm not going to even bother to explain the real truth behind them. I don't really care what they say about me. They are only words and lying words at that. They have no power over me any more.

I have a lot more to report on and give my permission for this and my other stories to be webbed by critics of Scientology.

Patty Pieniadz

Tel Aviv Rejected Narconon Scam


Last update 04:19 30/01/2006

Tel Aviv to try Scientology founder's drug rehab program

By Yuval Azoulay, Haaretz Correspondent

The Tel Aviv municipality will soon be running a drug rehabilitation program developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Drug addicts enrolled in the program, called Narconon, spend extended periods in a sauna and receive food supplements and vitamins to increase their perspiration rate and speed up the detoxification of their bodies. The program is being financed by private donors.

Despite City Hall's enthusiasm, the Health Ministry and the Israel Antidrug Authority have not approved the program.

"In my opinion, the Tel Aviv municipality cannot start such a process without the approval of the Health Ministry and the Antidrug Authority," said authority director general Haim Messing last week.

"The patients will receive large doses of vitamins and food supplements while in the sauna to increase the excretion of toxins by the body," explained Messing. "This method has not been checked out in Israel. We are in favor of pilot programs in Israel and will follow it with an evaluation study."

A few months ago three representatives of Tel Aviv City Hall visited the United States and were impressed with the success rate of the program, which Dr. Benny Avrahami, director of the Tel Aviv Municipal Anti-Drug Authority, reported as ranging between 50 and 75 percent.

Avrahami explains that the program will be run twice a year, with 150 participating drug addicts. The patients will be treated at a special rehabilitation center on a residential basis. During their first six weeks at the center, patients will spend 40-60 minutes in a sauna three or four times a day.

Between the sauna sessions, they will participate in physical exercises in a fitness room at the center and will receive food supplements. The second stage of the program, called Criminon, involves studying a curriculum that teaches participants how to cope with various situations.

"We received a donation of $1.5 million in the U.S. to run the program," says Avrahami. "The only condition set by the American donors was that we run this specific program." Avrahami is aware that the man behind the program is the founder of Scientology, but is undeterred.

"There is nothing in the implementation of this program that indicates spiritual goals. There will be no religious messages, not even veiled ones," assures Avrahami.

Criminon, which is part of the Narconon program, has been implemented in Israel's prisons for five years. So far 60 inmates addicted to drugs have been treated through the Criminon program. An Antidrug Authority source noted that in the Prison Services case, approval was given for the program because it did not involve the physical side of the program, only the educational one.

Brigadier General Yossi Beck, the Israel Prison Authority's head of treatment and rehabilitation, highly recommends the program.

"Of the 60 men treated via the program and released from prison, only one is back behind bars for a drug-related offense," says Beck. "The program seems to have a positive effect." Beck also hastens to add that despite the connection between the program and the founder of Scientology, there are no religious or spiritual messages in the program.

"Sure, the program was developed by the founder of Scientology and Scientologists use it, but a professional theory should not be discounted because its propounder is a member of a certain religion," says Beck.

Messing, too, does not link his objection to the program with its relationship to Scientology. "In all my conversations with various people, I have not found any connection between Scientology and saunas. We are in favor of effective methods for drug rehabilitation, on the condition that programs be adopted only after being properly researched."

Neighbor's Complaint Letter for Narconon Bouquet Canyon

Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning Zoning Enforcement Section 320 West Temple Street Los Angeles CA 90012

Dear Zoning Enforcement:

We understand the "Church" of Scientology is now trying to sneak a drug rehab center onto its property at 36491 Bouquet Canyon Road, by passing it off as a "school." This proposed criminal rehab center is on land contiguous to our property and home. Other residences with families and children are next door and across the street. This would mean murderers, rapists, people convicted of assault, burglars, and who knows what else would be living next door to me, my wife and other families with children. This facility would be threatening the health, safety, and the right to a peaceful existence of the residents of Bouquet Canyon and adjoining communities. Property values for this rural area would plummet.

Somebody will get hurt, or lose their life if you allow this to happen. Why? One reason is The "Church" of Scientology is notorious for defying government, on a local or national level. We believe they have proven their disregard for laws through lying, defiance and deceit.

1=2E The children of the "Church" of Scientology Canyon Oaks "School" played unsupervised on the highway, congregating in underground culverts. We have seen as many as a dozen children sitting on the highway pavement at one time. The children appeared to range in age from about 5 to 14 years old.

2=2E The children rode horses on our property, and other neighbor's property in total defiance of our protests over the years, claiming "they didn't know." These children were schooled in how to defy authority (refer to L. Ron Hubbard's Dianetics book). We have had to call the Sheriff on them. At whose expense?

3=2E Scientology supervisors ignored our protests and treated each one of our numerous calls to complain as though nothing had ever happened prior.

4=2E Two summers ago, a boy who said he has been housed at the cult's premises for years was caught at our fence agitating our dogs. He had to trespass over 20 acres of our property and ignore "No Trespassing" signs to do so. Same old story: "I didn't know this was private property," he told us. He was either lying or it was further proof of lack of supervision, or an example of the "Church" of Scientology's disregard for those outside their cult. Adults from the school have been caught trespassing as well.

5=2E When this Scientology group was initially moving in to occupy their property, they appeared to seek the good will of Leona Valley residents and Town Council. They gave assurances to us at a Leona Valley Town Council meeting that lighting at the school would be low-key in order to preserve the rural nature of Bouquet Canyon and its beautiful starry nights. Once they occupied the premises, unshielded lighting proliferated all over their buildings. This not only disrupts the once-beautiful, black, rural, Milky Way night sky, but is also a hazard to motorists because the unshielded lights shine into driver's eyes and can cause disorientation when driving past the property. 6=2E Sewage smells emanate from the Scientology property over acres of land and into the intersection of Spunky Canyon and Bouquet Canyon Road. Foul! The Department of Health should inspect! What is happening to the ground water? How many occupants are allowed?

This was the history of the "Church" of Scientology's children's boarding school. So, why should they now be allowed to run a drug rehab center with the attendant liabilities to the county, and to the community? The name of the entity we understand is planning this disaster is NARCONON. They are Scientology based. Whatever their history or claimed qualifications, the risks and threat to us are well documented by the following sources:

(Following, are reports of associations of criminal arrests with positive drug use tests, from the Executive Office of the President's Office of National Drug Control Policy)


(Neighbor of 36491 Bouquet Canyon Road property)