Facts About NarConon

Everything you wanted to know about Scientology Inc.'s dangerous and worthless front group but were too afraid of being sued to ask. If you believe anything here is incorrect, point it out and I will remove or correct it desertphile@hotmail.com

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Re: Hawaii casts skeptical eye on Narconon

From: barb

> I got alerted to this Hawaii newspaper editorial:
> http://starbulletin.com/2005/02/27/editorial/editorials.html

Letter to the editor:

The state of Hawaii definately needs to pay close scrutiny to California's evaluation of the Narconon drug education program offered free to public schools.

What the Narconon school program teaches, and what the state of California rejected, is the theoretic side of Scientology's "purification rundown."

Ironically, the physical application of these theories are protected as being part of Scientology's "religious" facet, despite the fact that the application can be dangerous to one's health. The excessive amounts of vitamins administered can cause blindness and liver damage.

The best resources on the web for Narconon information outside of Scientology sources are http://narconon-exposed.org, and http://www.stop-narconon.org

These two sites debunk Narconon's claim of 70% success rates, as well as addressing the potential physical hazards of the purification rundown.

The purification rundown is not only being offered to Scientologists. Scientology has tried to acquire government funding to install this bad joke in prisons.

They have also established a "New York Rescue Workers Detoxification Project," which would use state funding to administer this hazardous procedure to fire fighters.

I am thankful that California, that bastion of Scientology in Hollywood, has evaluated the Narconon educational program and rejected it. I don't usually hold California up as an example to be followed, but in this case, I would. Scientology, through its front groups, intends to reach your children and influence them. This must not be allowed to happen.


"Imagine a 'church' so dangerous, you must sign a release form before you can receive its "spiritual assistance." This assistance might involve holding you against your will for an indefinite period, isolating you from friends and family, and denying you access to appropriate medical care. You will of course be billed for this treatment - assuming you survive it. If not, the release form absolves your caretakers of all responsibility for your suffering and death. Welcome to the 'Church' of Scientology." -- Dr. Dave Touretzky Peter Alexander


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